Shropshire Councillor and Shrewsbury Town Councillor for Castlefields & Ditherington

Alan Mosley - Shropshire Councillor and Shrewsbury Town Councillor for Castlefields & Ditherington
Contact Alan Mosley
  • c/o Members Secretariat Shirehall Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury SY2 6ND
  • 07890056165

I represent Castlefields and Ditherington on Shropshire Council and Shrewsbury Town Council and have done so for the 10 years of their existence.

Services in Shropshire Council: 

For the last 10 years Shropshire Council’s Tory leadership has slavishly followed their colleagues in Westminster with deeper and deeper cuts to our social care, education support services, the youth service, transport, libraries, the Arts, sport and recreation, etc.

In Shropshire Labour seeks to:

Prioritise the need for strict economic diligence while recognising that growth and fairness are vital for all our futures. Work in co-operation with residents, staff, stakeholders and other partners for change and collaboration based on real needs and quality rather than conflict and selling off our services.

As Leader of the Labour Group Our Priorities for Shropshire Council are:

  • ・Quality social care for those most in need
  • ・Green economic growth and regeneration
  • ・Improved facilities and services for young people 
  • ・Urgent action on climate change & sustainable development, enhanced active travel and Public Transport
  • ・Services delivered efficiently for people not profit
  • ・Safer and more involved communities.

I am Leader of Shrewsbury Town Council which:

  • ・Has kept Council Tax precept increases at a minimum – no increase in 6 of the last 8 years.
  • ・Was one of the first Councils to declare a Climate Change emergency.
  • ・Is well on the way to becoming Carbon Neutral with a substantial ring-fenced budget.
  • ・Has extended our network of footpaths and cycleways.
  • ・Continues to maintain excellent standards in our blooms, sports & recreation grounds, greenspaces and countryside units.
  • ・Is invested heavily in play parks, BMX tracks, skate parks
  • ・Set up the highly successful Young Shrewsbury to replace the youth service which was abandoned by Shropshire Council 
  • ・Is an active partner in the Big Town Plan and plays a major role in planning decisions, event planning, promoting the Town.  The Council is an active consultee and advocate for the interest of all residents

I am proud to represent Castlefields and Ditherington being part of a great community and living in the Ward.

I hope that residents will feel that I have done my best over the years in working for the betterment of the area and all residents.

I deal with a large number of issues and concerns including; housing problems, social care, anti-social behaviour, street scene issues, planning matters and I offer advice and information on a whole range of casework while communicating through Facebook and an extensive list of email contacts.

In a fairly depressing Covid dominated year one of the positives was the tremendous community effort which I set up to supply support for those in need during the worst of the pandemic. When I sought volunteers for the Support Group last year over 90 volunteers came forward and we were able to help well over 100 residents.  Many of those contacts and support arrangements made are still ongoing. Some of the volunteers now help at the much used and appreciated Food Hub which has been established at the Martin Wilson School and many thanks to all involved.

I am also involved in a number of local and wider groups and organisations:

  • ・Chair of the Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings
  • ・Governor of the Martin Wilson School
  • ・Member of the Advisory Board, University Centre Shrewsbury
  • ・Chair of North Shrewsbury Friendly Neighbours
  • ・My wife and I manage the Castlefields Community Hall
  • ・Big Town Plan Board member
  • ・Member of Castlefields Action Team

If you don’t know me, at other times I spend time:

  • ・With my wife Jackie and our families
  • ・Walking my dogs, Ted and Rosie.
  • ・Trying to get away in our Campervan
  • ・Trekking up hills and mountains
  • ・Nowadays only watching all sorts of sport
  • ・Doing a little gardening, and quite a lot of reading, current affairs and politics!!!



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